
Citizens Academy Provides Valuable Training

A citizens academy educates and engages members of a community about their local government and law enforcement agencies. Programs typically include a series of classes or workshops as well as cover a wide range of topics related to the workings of local government, community safety, and law enforcement. The goal of a citizens academy is…

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BlogCampaign Types of campaign ads

Types of Campaign Ads

There are many different types of campaign ads that candidates and political organizations use to promote their candidates and campaigns. Here are some common types: Positive Campaign Ads These ads focus on the positive aspects of the candidate and their campaign, highlighting their accomplishments, experience, and vision for the future. Biographical ads: These ads tell…

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BlogCampaign Campaign service in-kind contribution

What is an In-kind Contribution?

An in-kind campaign contribution is a non-monetary contribution made to a political campaign. These contributions can take many forms, including goods or services that are provided to the campaign at no cost or a reduced cost. In-kind contributions are subject to the same rules and regulations as monetary contributions and must be reported to the…

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How to Write an Impactful Political Letter to the Editor

A political letter to the editor can be a powerful way to publicly support a campaign, address important issues, and reach a broad audience. These letters, published in newspapers and online, often shape readers’ opinions and rally support for candidates or causes. Here’s how to write a compelling letter that captures attention and inspires action.…

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BlogCampaignPersonal Development

SMART Goals for Political Campaigns

When it comes to setting goals, it’s important to make sure they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. These goals, often referred to as “SMART goals,” help to ensure that you are setting yourself (and your campaign) up for success by providing a clear roadmap for what you want to accomplish. A specific goal…

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Send Thank You Notes to Your Donors!

Why Thank You Notes for Political Donations Matter When donors contribute to a political campaign, they’re not just giving money—they’re making an investment in a vision they believe in. A personalized thank you note goes beyond basic acknowledgment; it shows genuine gratitude and solidifies the importance of their support. In the competitive realm of politics,…

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10 Things to Bring On Your First Day of Work

You did it! Starting your new political job can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. It’s natural to want to make a good impression on your new colleagues and supervisors, and to be well-prepared for your first day. To help ensure that you’re ready for your first day at your new job, here are some things…

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Kate Wasson: Political Burnout

By: Kate Wasson What is Political Burnout? According to Pew Research, about two-thirds of Americans feel worn out by the political climate. This feeling of being ‘worn out’ is most commonly referred to as burnout. Regardless of political party, burnout is common, however there is very little conversation regarding the topic. In a journal by…

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