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In the throes of election season, the atmosphere is often charged with anticipation, stress, and relentless activity. For candidates, campaign staff, and even voters, the intensity can be overwhelming. Amid the whirlwind of debates, canvassing, and media appearances, self-care during an election might seem trivial or indulgent. However, prioritizing self-care during an election is not […]

The Importance of Self-Care During an Election

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Political change can feel like a monumental task, but that doesn’t mean it is impossible. We made a list of our favorite things to do to further your cause where just one hour a week can create ripples of change. 1. Engage in Micro-Volunteering: Micro-volunteering involves small, bite-sized tasks that usually require minimal commitment and […]

Political Change in One Hour a Week

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Political speech is a fundamental part of any democratic society. It allows individuals to express their opinions on matters of public interest, debate ideas, and criticize the government without fear of persecution or censorship. In the United States, political speech is protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution. It guarantees freedom of speech and […]

political speech

Protections for Political Speech

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In today’s digital age, social media has become a crucial tool for political campaigns. With over 2 billion active users, Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms. However, when using Facebook for campaigns, should you use a profile or a page? We outlined the pros and cons of using a Facebook page […]

facebook for campaigns

Facebook for Campaigns: Page or Profile?

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Lobbying is a practice that involves advocating for specific policies or interests by influencing lawmakers, government officials, or regulatory agencies. Lobbyists can represent a wide range of organizations, including corporations, non-profit organizations, and trade associations. They can also represent individual clients or causes. If you are interested in becoming a lobbyist, here are some things […]


What You Need to Know About a Career in Lobbying

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One of the most amazing things about politics is the number of connections you can make! In today’s highly connected world, it’s more important than ever to have a well-organized list of contacts. Whether you are working in politics or planning to run for office, having an organized and up-to-date list of contacts can help […]

Organize Your Contacts

Organize Your Contacts

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International Women’s Day is dedicated to celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. It also serves as a reminder of the ongoing fight for gender equality and women’s rights. While the day is celebrated globally, it holds significant importance for women in the United States, particularly in politics. Women have come a […]

International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

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Parliamentary procedure is a set of rules that govern how meetings, especially legislative or deliberative assemblies, are conducted. It is based on the principles of order, fairness, and efficiency. The purpose of parliamentary procedure is to ensure that meetings are conducted in a way that allows all members to participate and express their views, and […]

Parliamentary Procedure

Parliamentary Procedure: Mastering Motions

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Volunteering for a political campaign can be a unique and enriching experience. Whether you are working to elect a candidate you believe in or simply want to get involved in the political process, there are many valuable lessons to be learned as a campaign volunteer. Here are 10 things you can learn while volunteering for […]

political campaign volunteer

10 Things You Learn as a Campaign Volunteer

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Having a clear “why” or purpose for running for office is an important aspect of any political campaign. Your “why” should be your driving force and the reason you are motivated to seek public office. It should be meaningful to you and that resonates with voters. Here are some tips for identifying your “why” for […]

Why Are You Running? Tips For Identifying Your Political Purpose