
Reporting Your 1099 Income on Your Tax Return

Working on a political campaign can be an exhilarating experience. It’s fast-paced, impactful, and often filled with meaningful connections. However, for many campaign contractors, there’s one aspect of the job that often gets overlooked—understanding and reporting your 1099 income on your tax return. If you were paid as a 1099 contractor for your work on…

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Professional Services Business Should Welcome Political Clients

The U.S. political landscape is constantly evolving, creating new challenges and opportunities for businesses. One significant trend is the rapid increase in spending on political advertising. According to a forecast by GroupM, U.S. election and advocacy advertising will reach an estimated $16 billion next year—a 31.2% jump from the 2020 presidential election. This surge presents…

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Finding a Political Mentor

Finding a political mentor can be a valuable asset for anyone looking to enter the world of politics or advance their career in the field. A political mentor can provide guidance, support, and valuable insights that can help you navigate the often complex and competitive world of politics. Here are some steps you can take…

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10 Things to Bring On Your First Day of Work

You did it! Starting your new political job can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. It’s natural to want to make a good impression on your new colleagues and supervisors, and to be well-prepared for your first day. To help ensure that you’re ready for your first day at your new job, here are some things…

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