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Campaigning is an exciting and dynamic process, but it comes with its share of challenges, not least of which is ensuring campaign staff and volunteer safety. As a candidate or leader, prioritizing the safety of your team is not only a moral obligation but also a strategic necessity. A safe and secure campaign environment fosters […]

Parliamentary Procedure

Ensuring Campaign Staff and Volunteer Safety

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Door-to-door canvassing is a cornerstone of grassroots political campaigns. It allows candidates and their teams to connect personally with voters, understand their concerns, and build meaningful relationships within the community. However, staying safe while knocking on doors presents unique challenges. As a political professional or volunteer, it’s crucial to take proactive steps to ensure your […]

Targeted Walk List

Practical Tips to Stay Safe While Knocking on Doors

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Engaging Your Children Respectfully Running a campaign can be an all-consuming endeavor, demanding time, energy, and dedication that often pulls you away from family life. However, involving your children in your campaign can be a rewarding experience, offering them a unique glimpse into the world of politics and activism. It’s an opportunity to teach them […]

Creating a Family-Friendly Campaign

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Running a political campaign is an exhilarating and demanding journey. It requires unwavering dedication, long hours, and a relentless drive to achieve set goals. While this passion and commitment are commendable, they often lead to an imbalance between professional and personal life. Understanding when work-life balance during a campaign is out of sync is crucial […]

Navigating Work-Life Balance During a Campaign

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In the throes of election season, the atmosphere is often charged with anticipation, stress, and relentless activity. For candidates, campaign staff, and even voters, the intensity can be overwhelming. Amid the whirlwind of debates, canvassing, and media appearances, self-care during an election might seem trivial or indulgent. However, prioritizing self-care during an election is not […]

The Importance of Self-Care During an Election

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Managing payroll is a critical yet complex task for any business, requiring a reliable solution that can handle compliance, employee payments, and record-keeping with ease. Gusto Payroll Software has gained popularity for its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, making it a go-to choice for many businesses. This Gusto Payroll Software Review is not compensated; however, […]

Gusto Payroll Software: Our In-Depth Review

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Running a political campaign is a complex endeavor that requires meticulous planning, strategic communication, and effective resource management. Among the many components that contribute to a successful campaign, one aspect stands out for its foundational importance: campaign financial records. Maintaining precise and comprehensive financial records is not just a legal requirement; it is a critical […]

The Crucial Role of Keeping Campaign Financial Records

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Imagine standing on the brink of a grand stage, the spotlight beckoning you to step forward. You’ve prepared for this moment, honed your skills, and built your platform. Yet, an insidious voice whispers, “Do I really belong here?” This is the unwelcome echo of imposter syndrome, a common yet formidable obstacle for many aspiring leaders, […]

Conquering Imposter Syndrome

Conquering Imposter Syndrome

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Understanding the Difference Between 1099 vs W-2 Employees for Campaigns Running a political campaign involves managing a diverse team of individuals, each contributing in various capacities. One of the key decisions campaign managers must make is whether to classify these workers as 1099 subcontractors or W-2 employees. This classification affects everything from tax obligations and […]

Understanding the Difference Between 1099 vs W-2 Employees for Campaigns

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As the summer sun blazes, the temptation to pause your campaign might seem irresistible. However, pressing pause on your political endeavors during the summer months could have long-term repercussions that outweigh the short-term relief. Instead, find ways to recharge your energy while maintaining campaign momentum. Here’s why keeping your campaign active over the summer is […]

Campaign Momentum

Keep Your Campaign Momentum: Don’t Pause Your Campaign for the Summer