Let Women Campaign match you with the perfect team of political campaign vendors to help you win!

To support our mission of expanding the number of women running for office and the number of women in the political industry, Women Campaign has created this vendor matching program to connect women-owned or -operated campaign vendors with female candidates and female campaign managers.

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Are you ready to find your campaign dream team?

Jessica is running for city council and needs a part-time campaign manager.
Women Campaign helps Jessica define the job and set a budget. Using that information, we facilitate meetings meets with 1 to 3 possible managers/consultants from our network of vetted professionals who can help her.

Samantha is running her own campaign for school board and needs to buy digital ads and a mailer. Women Campaign helps Samantha set a budget and scope. Using that information, we facilitate meetings meets with 1 to 3 possible mail and/or digital vendors from our network of vetted professionals who can help her.

Mary is running her first campaign by herself and doesn’t know where to buy mailers or get them designed. Women Campaign collects information about the size and budget of Mary’s project and connects Mary with 1 to 3 vendors who specialize in mail.

Sarah works for a digital marketing agency and would like to find clients running for office or working in other states. Women Campaign gathers information about Sarah’s service offerings and reaches out to female candidates or consultants/staff involved with our programs to see if they need her services.

Example engagements

Rather than being limited to impersonal directories or vendors within your network or region, Women Campaign can bring new options for vendors who are better able to help you achieve your goals. We don’t just share email addresses; we participate in the process to help connect clients with the best vendor for their needs. And for the vendors, we facilitate the introduction conversation so that you don’t have to chase down the lead.

Our experienced matchmakers know the right questions to ask

This program is adapted from best practices used by Fortune 500 companies to interview and hire advertising agencies.

There is no cost to use our service to be matched with vendors.
If you pick one of our vendors, the vendor pays us a commission on your sale for facilitating the match. 

How It Works:
• Step 1: Client (candidate, campaign manager and/or vendor) contacts Women Campaign for an introduction to a vendor who offers a specific service.
• Step 2: Women Campaign reaches out to our partner vendors to gauge ability and interest.
• Step 3: Women Campaign facilitates a call between the buyer and vendor to continue the conversation.
• Step 4: Vendor pays Women Campaign a commission when the sale closes.




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